Browsing by Subject Engineering Mathematics
Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2020-01-28 | Complex Number | Kenjale, Nitin |
2021-02-01 | Complex number | Kenjale, Nitin |
2021-02-10 | Expansion of functions | Kenjale, Nitin |
2021-02-10 | Logarithm of Complex Numbers | Kenjale, Nitin |
2021-02-10 | Matrices I ( Introduction, symmetric, Hermitian and orthogonal matrices) | Kenjale, Nitin |
2021-02-10 | Matrices II ( Rank of the Matrix) | Kenjale, Nitin |
2021-02-10 | Matrices III ( System of linear equations) | Kenjale, Nitin |
2021-02-10 | Matrices IV ( Linearly dependent and Independent vectors) | Kenjale, Nitin |
2021-02-10 | Matrices V (Coding theory) | Kenjale, Nitin |
2021-02-10 | Maxima Minima | Kenjale, Nitin |
2021-02-10 | Numerical methods I | Kenjale, Nitin |
2021-02-10 | Numerical methods II | Kenjale, Nitin |
2021-02-10 | Partial Differentiation 1 | Kenjale, Nitin |
2021-02-10 | Partial Differentiation 2 | Kenjale, Nitin |
2021-02-10 | Successive Differentiation - 1 | Kenjale, Nitin |
2021-02-10 | Successive Differentiation - 2 | Kenjale, Nitin |